Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) Belarusian National Technical University is a national brand of higher education, the main engineering and technical university of the Republic of Belarus. Today BNTU is not just a classical national university of engineering and technology with a 100-year rich history, but also a unique educational, scientific and innovative base of the national higher education system.
WATCH THE PRESENTATIONThe university has significant experience in international cooperation in the educational, scientific and innovative fields. The system of engineering personnel training at BNTU is in the stage of qualitative advancing changes within the framework of the «University 3.0» model.
Today, more than 30 thousand students study at the university, and the BNTU system includes 16 faculties, nine colleges, a lyceum, a branch in Soligorsk, Research Polytechnic Institute, Confucius Institute for Science and Technology (the only one in the world), Science and Technology Park «Polytechnic», an experimental plant «Polytechnic», a health center, an advanced scientific library, and many other educational and administrative divisions. The university has a developed sports base, and also provides students with opportunities for personal growth and recreation.