Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maksim Tank
About the University
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Contact details
The Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maksim Tank is the leading institution of higher education of the national system of pedagogical education, providing training, retraining and professional development of educational specialists; the largest educational and scientific-methodological center, capable of generating new psychological and pedagogical knowledge, distributing and using it to improve the quality of education.
BSPU is called to:
train highly qualified teachers capable of independently and creatively solving professional problems, possessing advanced technologies of training and education, aware of the personal and social significance of pedagogical activity, responsible for its results;
integrate the potential of education, science and innovative pedagogical practice within the cluster model of pedagogical education development to improve the quality of professional training of specialists in education;
create educational space of pedagogical university for creative cooperation of teachers and students, continuous personal and professional development of all participants of educational process.
The following faculties are in the structure of BSPU: philological, historical, physical and mathematical, natural sciences, aesthetic education, physical education, social and pedagogical technologies, preschool education, elementary education, as well as institutes of professional development and retraining, psychology, inclusive education.
The educational programs of BSPU at different levels of education are in great demand:
Higher education (special demand for the following specialties: "Fine Art and Computer Graphics", "Belarusian Language and Literature. Foreign language (English)"; "Russian language and literature. Foreign Language (English); "Practical Psychology"; "Social Work"; "Sports Pedagogical Activity (Sports Directing)"; "Music Art, Rhythm and Choreography");
Master's degree;
Postgraduate and doctoral studies;
advanced training for various categories of students
Hotline working hours:
January 18-21, 2023: 9.00 - 17.00

Hotline messengers:
+375 17 311 23 31
Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maksim Tank
Tel.: +375173112328
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